Saturday, April 30, 2005


Why do some roommates have to be so strange? Is it some prerequisite or something? My first roommate and I got along so well that I gave the toast at his wedding. At the time, we both joked that, when we moved on from the arrangement, we wouldn't be able to find another roommate as fantastic as we both were to each other. Little did I know that it would beso true. My current roommate wears a toupee and he doesn't want me to find out. The weird thing is that I've been living here for, like, the last eight months. He also doesn't so much wash the dishes as rinse them. So gross. He also seems to have a catalogue shopping habit but not for cool things. For crappy, cheap, kitchy catalogue items. Like ceramic kittens and birds or weird squeegee things for the shower. He also likes to buy things at flea markets but all of it is junk! I see a new portable radio in the apartment every other week. And books like "My Dark Shadows Scrapbook" or "The NEW Student Bible". The other day I saw that a bird bath had been delivered to our apartment. That would be fine but WE LIVE ON THE 12TH FLOOR! But what happened today really, really took the cake. I was in my room when I heard the unmistakeable strains of soprano saxophone floating in under my door. The soprano saxophone belonging to none other than Kenny G. When I moved in my roommate told me he like to listen to Classical Music. I think I found out today what he considers classical. Kenny G. I shudder.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ginger Snap Cookies

So I looked at my lonely blog and noticed that I really only have one post. I know I just started this thing but, really, I ought to have more content. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to be completing my thesis and two other assignments before the end of next week rather than surfing the internet and adding posts to my blog. I have 5 days in which to complete all my writing assignments. Realizing this, I bought 5 ginger snap cookies from an organic bakery that sells its wares at the Union Square Greenmarket on Saturdays. Their ginger snaps are very good. I had thought that I could have a cookie a say as a way to encourage myself to get my work know...a little sweet motivation in the form of a cookie. Alas, I've already eaten two of them. And I haven't gone to the gym for a complete week. For a girl that had cut out junk food last semester and was going to the gym at least every other day I've fallen far. Sigh. Perhaps this downward spiral towards pudginess will end when I'm forced to graduate. Until then, I must muster up all my willpower to not consume a third cookie...


Friday, April 22, 2005

My First Blog

Once upon a time there was a wee little blogger who had never blogged before. One day, a friend of the wee little blogger sent her a link to a big, shiny blogsite and she was entranced. She waited and waited until one day she rounded up enough courage to create a site of her own. This is her story...